Nicola Rollock

Consultancy & Research


Overview of services offered:

  • Speaking engagements including keynote addresses & panel debates

  • Advice on the design & delivery of small scale and national projects

  • Editorial guidance & strategic oversight on draft project reports, research proposals and other documentation

  • Guidance on the design of equality & diversity policies, action plans and objectives

  • Design & delivery of workshops to improve understanding of race, racism & racial justice*

  • Research & project management (including delivery focus groups, interviews, surveys, questionnaires)

  • Bespoke one to one executive coaching aimed at improving critical understanding and application of racial justice

Current consultancy:

Dr Rollock holds a number of advisory roles including with the Wellcome Trust, the British Science Association and the Home Affairs’ Select Committee. She is Senior Adviser (Race & Higher Education) to the VC of the University of Cambridge and also works closely with a number of schools providing strategic oversight and guidance to their plans to improve the experiences of Black and minority ethnic pupils and staff.

Current projects:

Black female Professors - Photographic Exhibition

This project is an extension to her 2018 research exploring the career strategies and experiences of UK’s Black female Professors. Dr Rollock commissioned the photographer Bill Knight to take portraits of the Professors during 2019 and 2020. The private view took place at Paul Hastings in March 2020 and then the exhibition went on display at London’s Southbank Centre during October 2020. The UK-wide tour planned for 2020 and 2021 has been placed on hold due to Coronavirus.

*No further bookings are being taken for 2021


"Your talk is something that has really stayed with me and it has made me strongly reflect on my own privilege and experiences over my life course so far. You have also inspired aspects of my research, such thinking more carefully about the strategies that women put in place regarding their workplace experiences and to look more closely into the emotional impact of these strategies. (…) I wanted to thank you because I think that it can be easy to underestimate the impact that we can have on other people and I am grateful for how you have shaped my research and my own awareness of academia”.

/ Doctoral researcher, 2019 /